Coping with hot weather

Coping with hot weather

As the temperatures hot up for summer I thought I would share a few ideas to help your dog cope with the higher temperatures.

Walkies – limit your walking to the times of day when it is cooler, early morning or late evening is ideal.  Test the pavement or sand– place your hand or better still your bare foot on the pavement and hold it there for 10 seconds.  If it’s too hot for you to touch it is too hot for your dog to walk on. 

Cool room – make sure your dog has a cool place to settle down,  close the blinds, open the windows make sure they have access to plenty of fresh water.

Out and about

We all love going out and about when it’s nice weather to the local park or beach but always remember, if you are hot in shorts and t-shirt your dog is roasting in a fur coat!    Make sure you have access to a cool place for your dog to lie down (a towel soaked in the sea is a quick and easy way to provide your dog with a cool mat to lay on). Take a brolly to provide shade for your dog and don’t forget the all-important fresh water and bowl. Think about how long it will take to walk from the car to the park or beach and the time of day, the pavement and sand may be too hot for your dog to walk on and we don’t want your dog to overheat on the way there.

Most dogs love the water, and a paddle is a great way to help cool them down, dogs sweat through their paws so a little cool water on their feet is an ideal way to bring down their temperature in a controlled way, a kids paddling pool is ideal. If your dog likes to swim, make sure they enter the water slowly as rapid cooling can be dangerous and even fatal for some dog breeds, dogs with medical conditions and elderly dogs. 

Heat stroke

Yes, dogs get this too – wearing a fur cost in hot weather who wouldn’t get it!  No matter how careful you are it can still happen. 


Heavy panting: Lethargy: Confusion and stumbling (loss of co-ordination): Foaming at the mouth or drooling: Diarrhoea or vomiting: Weakness and shaking: Seizures*

If your dog has any of these symptoms or you think they may have heat stroke seek veterinary care immediately, don’t delay as symptoms progress very quickly and dogs can deteriorate rapidly.

First aid while you are finding a vet:*

  • Move the dog to a cool shaded area and try and keep them calm and still:
  • Lay them on a wet towel and place another cool wet towel on top of them:
  • Give them small amounts of cool water (avoid cold water or ice as this could cause them to go into shock):
  • Pour cool water over their paws (avoid cold water or ice as this could cause them to go into shock):
  • Keep them as cool as possible when you travel to the vet:

(*Source IMDT Canine First Aid Course)